Take the Stairs
The Take the Stairs Campaign is part of the systemwide Healthy Campus Network (HCN) which aims to make the healthy choice the easy choice through the creation of social conditions that nurture healthy and productive behaviors, healthy work and academic environments, and culture change. One aspect of the UC HCN is launching a stairwell campaign with the goal of supporting a more physically active culture through transforming the environment to better support activity throughout our campuses.
The stairwells in the School of Medicine, Sky Hall and Olmstead have been cleaned and painted to make them more attractive and accessible for use. Promotional signage has been installed to encourage and motivate stair usage for those that are able to use the stairs. There are many benefits to taking the stairs such as improved health, saves time, and is more environment-friendly. For those that are not able or choose not to take the stairs, healthy tips are provided inside the elevators.