"UCR Healthy Campus is a comprehensive approach to elevate health and well-being at UCR. We are committed to the health of our faculty, staff, and students and embrace an environment that both supports and encourages the health and well-being of our campus community.” –Kim A. Wilcox, Chancellor
UCR Healthy Campus Vision and Mission
Healthy Campus (HC) is part of the larger systemwide Healthy Campus Network that invests in improving the health and quality of life for all of our UCR campus community. Our vision is to be a model healthy campus and infuse health and well-being into the UCR campus community.
Our mission is to create a healthy campus culture and environment through collaboration with campus and community partners on policies, programs, services and initiatives that address all dimensions of wellness along with innovative engagement strategies, making UCR a university of choice.
UCR Faculty and HC - Why Get Involved Accordion
Faculty can easily participate in Healthy Campus activities—it aligns with the academic mission of teaching/mentoring, research and service. Healthy Campus participation can also facilitate academic career advancement and tenure opportunities through HC-related research. It can also create student internship and research opportunities.
- Being part of Healthy Campus can also improve faculty health and well-being - winners get a free gym membership(quarter)!
- 2017-2018 Faculty Challenge winners celebrated by EVC/Provost Cynthia Larive
Get involved in Healthy Campus - Take the Faculty Challenge!
How to Participate in the Faculty Challenge
To register for the the HC Faculty Challenge, please complete the Faculty Challenge Check List or complete the online Faculty Challenge Check List.
HC Faculty Engagement Competition Rules
- Competition runs from November 1, 2018 to April 30, 2019 (6 months)
- All UCR Faculty, including adjunct professors, TA’s, instructors, are eligible
- Faculty members will complete various activities on the checklist to earn points.
- Points can be earned more than once for the same activity
- At the end of the competition, the top 10 faculty members will earn a free quarter membership to the Student Recreation Center.
- All participating faculty must complete the on-line checklist and submit to: healthycampus@ucr.edu, no later than May 7, 2019 to be eligible.
- Winners will be notified by May 16, 2019.
Competition Checklist
Faculty Engagement Activities wth HC
Point Value
Develop and offer a new course(s) related to public and/or personal health and well-being, such as on Nutrition, Physical Activity, Public Health, Mental Health, Substance Use, Prevention, etc. -
100 points/course
(points will be awarded for any submissions in progress)
Offer new courses or enhance existing courses related to public and/or personal health and well-being, such as on Nutrition, Physical Activity, Public Health, Mental Health, Substance Use, Prevention, etc.
- 75 points/course
Offer a research course in which one or more students conduct HC-related research
- 75 points/course
Conduct research and/or evaluation for HC
75 points/course
Apply for HC Project Grants
- 50 points/project grant application
Participate as co-chair in one of nine HC subcommittees -
50 points
Offer an internship course and supervise student working with the HC -
30 points/course
Mentor a student who is conducting HCI-related research
25 points/student
Participate, as a member, in one of nine HC subcommittees - 25 points/committee
Encourage students to develop HC-related student projects to meet course requirements -
20 points/project
Sharing HC tips with students and encourage students to engage in healthy behaviors - 10 points (1 time only)
Offer students extra credit for participating in HC activities such as events or meetings -
5 points/extra credit option
Include in your syllabi a “blurb” about HC - 1 point/syllabi
Announce HC updates/opportunities to students and colleagues -
1 point/announcement
Utilize the tips and strategies in the Healthy Classroom Pedagogy Practices Guide - 1 point/tip
For more information, contact: Dr. Ann Cheney, Assistant Professor, Center for Healthy Communities and Julie Chobdee, MPH, Wellness Program Coordinator with UCR Human Resources.
Thank you for participating in UCR Healthy Campus!
Stuck on how you can fulfill the spirit of the challenge? Here are some outside the box ideas – Tell us what you did!
Outside the Box Examples:
If you’re faculty in chemistry, incorporate lectures or labs showing how chemistry is connected to health such as featuring the chemistry behind running the 400 meter race.
If you’re faculty in critical dance, encourage your MFA students to engage one of the HCI subcommittees in brainstorming ways to incorporate health into new work. For instance, MFA students might be interested in the power of dance in healing and recovery. They could engage the Substance Use and Addiction HCI subcommittee to learn more about recovery and how to incorporate it into dance.
As the designated faculty mentor/sponsor of a student organization, encourage the organization to a) engage in HCI activities, a) incorporate health topics into their activities, and/or b) employ healthy practices when executing the organizational mission.
If you are a faculty in Computer Sciences, incorporate how technology has been used to advance health in today’s society, technological support for mental health issues, etc.
If you are a faculty in Engineering, collaborate with students to research ways to build devices or transform environments that can support both physical and mental health.
If you are a faculty in Business, assign students projects to teach them skills on how to develop a business plan/case for a healthy campus, marketing plan to promote healthier food choices on campus, etc.
If you are a Faculty in Genomics, contribute information on how specific foods can be beneficial to health or new discoveries to detect disease and illness.
Create a half day seminar or symposium (with demonstrations, activities, etc.) related to health and well-being that is open to the general campus as well as local public.
Dr. Anne Cheney
Assistant Professor
Center for Healthy Communities
School of Medicine
Email: ann.cheney@ucr.edu